Sunday, May 6, 2012


I enjoy online games.  I have for a few years now since a friend asked me to join 'SuperPoke Pets' back in 2008.  SPP is no longer with us anymore since Google bought out the company and forced its 'retirement' (but that issue is deserved its own blog novella at another time).

My main issue here is the ridiculousness of current games offered (both on Facebook and off) through Zynga Games.  Specifically, 'Farmville' and 'Castleville'.

The games are high-end 'Flash' games which offer the player entertainment through quests, crafting, building and friend-dependent item collection.  Both games are fun and cute.  One depends on planting and harvesting crops while the other has been more character and quest based.

Recently, I have noticed a major shift in both games.  Both are requiring more and more involvement.  By this, I mean it is becoming more difficult to complete tasks without having to spend *real* money... or worse... find a way to cheat!

Cheating while playing online games is not new.  Cheat codes, finding back-doors to a glitch in a game and other methods have been around for years.  However, I have been able to play Farmville and Castleville now for some time without having to think about a 'cheat' or even spending any hard cash.

Slowly, but as sure as the sun crosses the sky, both games are making their quests more and more difficult for players to complete (requiring some to spend *real* money).  Meanwhile, at the same time, players find themselves with little to no more space available (on 'Farms' or 'Kingdoms') for awards given out at the completion of these 'quests'.

Zynga expects us to complete these quests in a certain time-frame.  In the case of Farmville, we need to store (in an in-game buildable storage unit) several decorations so we can use that space for land to plant crops.  In worst case scenarios, we are forced to use 'Farm Cash' (real money needed) to grow and harvest the required crops on time...  thus, the chances of completing some quests are remote at best using regular methods of play.
(NOTE: Farmville players purchase 'Farm Cash' - Castleville players purchase 'Crowns')

Currently, I have dozens of unused decorations of which I have been awarded through quests on both games... but no space within my Farm/Kingdom to place them.  I could spend more *real* money to 'expand' my farms (um, I have an idea... NO!)... but there is no real recourse for Castleville players.  'Space' has been released sporadically.

These are supposed to be GAMES... you know, fun to play, relaxing yet challenging (not impossible without spending *real* money or cheating) to complete.  I fear Zynga is out of control with euro signs in their eyes!

I now play other smaller, more simple games as well, and visit my farms and kingdom less and less.  I have witnessed a variety of people frustratingly quit both games and like me, have branched out.  Many of those who do stay have demonstrated having either been forced, or with enthusiasm, into using some kind of 'cheat' ('bots', auto-clickers, bonus collectors... etc.).  Couple this with the new Facebook 'Timeline' layout... regular players (meaning: click on each individual friends link) have little, to no chance anymore. 
*Castleville play is available directly from Zynga's website in addition to Facebook.*

I feel Zynga is showing us all a classic example of arrogance and greed.  This makes me terribly sad as I have enjoyed playing BOTH 'Farmville' and 'Castleville'.

It is upsetting for me to see the evolution of Zynga (as I see it) praying upon self-proclaimed (Castleville, Farmville, Cityville, empty-my-bank-accountville) game addicts.  Yes, I have spent my share of money on these games... yes, I also have used, at times, extra link websites... but Zynga is now going too far.  Did you know that if you go to Zynga 'chat' areas and complain loud enough (being honest or not), an administrator will GIVE you up to 500 CV crowns? (all the while, we *paying* customers are excited with a 20% off day~! Yaaaay!) When I witnessed this in a forum, I was appalled and shocked!  No wonder I cannot seem to finish a quest on time (or sometimes not at all).  Attach all this to Zynga producing too many (decorative; crafting; building) items and too little actual space to place them IN the game... I stopped trying to collect them all some time ago.

There are honest players... there are also some not-so-honest players. I am not judging anyone personally.  My purpose for this post is to comment on the 'situation' which has been created and fostered by ZYNGA (and yes, I know there are similar situations with any online game).  I am specifically pointing out Zynga here, as I feel disappointed and betrayed to the extent of greed and corruption demonstrated by Zynga CEO Mark Pincus.... and his so-called 'creative team'! (Hey, at least they ARE creative in taking our money).  I feel, in the longer term, this affects everyone in a negative way. I see that it will ultimately hurt these online games...
*Not to mention the players who simply MUST have that next 'Royal' or 'Farm' whatever... and are willing to spend more money than they can afford to spend... or cheat and violate their own personal values* (all in the name of 'entertainment').

I will continue to play both games as they are a nice diversion from all the heavy thinking I must do through the course of my day.  However, my visits will be less and less... shorter and shorter... if only to help my other friends who do play (on a regular basis) get that extra special item they would enjoy seeing in their Farm or Kingdom.